Download a guide: “Revenue management tips for hoteliers all over the world”

Oct 7, 2021Hotelier Academy, Revenue Management

Together with Agnieszka Chacinska, certified revenue management expert and Key Account Manager at YieldPlanet, we have prepared a free guide “Revenue Management Tips for hoteliers all over the world”

In this guide, Agnieszka shares practical tips, which will help you on your way to success by using revenue management tricks. 

“Revenue Management Tips for hoteliers all over the world” will help you to find answers to the following questions, which every hotelier wonder about, and will also show how to apply all the mentioned hints to your property:

  • How to organize and encourage your team at all levels to reach common goals?
  • How to create the offer, which immediately converts into bookings?
  • How to keep up with trends but also preserve your style?
  • How to optimize your routine work?
  • How to learn from your guests and get to know them better every day?

At the end of the guide, you will also find a checklist, which can be a great help to you in implementing all the advice into your strategy and track the score. Discover what hints you should take into consideration to improve your revenue management strategy now.

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