User Roles in CRS

Aug 24, 2021Price Optimizer Update

Last time we introduced User Roles or permissions in Price Optimizer. Today we extend the roles for CRS (Quoting Screen) allowing you to customize each user’s access for both Price Optimizer & CRS.

 Similarly — we added a predefined list of CRS roles for you to choose from. By default, current users are assigned as Normal user with the same access as before.

 CRS User Roles and Descriptions:

Admin user: Full access; plus ability to request modification of user roles

Normal user: Full access

Read-only user: View-only access

Limited Config user: Full access; minus ability to make any changes on the Configuration page

Restricted Config user: Full access; minus the visibility of Configuration page

The table below compares all PO & CRS roles

It is possible to have different roles for each solution. To assign a new role for your user, please contact your Key Account Manager.

If you have any questions or issues, please contact [email protected]